Nis Windows

Belajar English TOEFL– Preposition Phrase, Present Participle dan Past participle

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Monday, 14 October 2019

1. Be Sure the sentence has a subject and a verb
2. Be careful of prepositional phrase
3. Be careful of Apposities
4. Be careful of present and past participle

-Prepositions adalah kata depan contohnya because, beside
-Apposities adalah addition atau tambahan dari subject. cirinya ada reppetition(pengulangan) noun, ditandai dengan koma dan sesama noun sebelum koma dan setelah koma
berikut adalah contoh dari Apposities :
  • Robert Hooke, an English scientist, saw alive cells.
  • Homer, a legend Greek poet, was credited for his work.
  • Calcutta, a city and port in eastern India, is the capital of the West Bengal State.
  • Civets, animals with a cat-like face, use musk to mark their territory.
  • Lewis Waterman, the American inventor, patented his invention.
  • The American inventor, Lewis Waterman patented his invention.
*yang berwarna merah merupakan Apposities

Present Participle
-Used for continous tense-verb
  • She is studying English.
  • I was reading a book last night
  • The children are watching TV
  • *yang berwarna merah adalah Verb dan harus didahului to be (is, was, are)
  • The film is exhauthing
  • Last night, we went to an interesting meeting
  • *yang berwarna biru adalah adjective ( Kata sifat) yang diikuti oleh V-ing

-contoh Present Participle
  • The man is talking to his friend
  • The man is talking to his friend
  •   Subject + V-ing + Object

  • The man talking to his friend has a beard
  • The man talking to his friend has a beard
  • Subject + adjective(Kata sifat) + object + Verb + Adverb(Kata Keterangan)

Part Participle
-Regular Verb : base form + ed
  • Walk = Walked
  • Clean = Cleaned

  • We have visited Makassar
  • The room is painted yellow
  • *yang berwarna merah adalah verb( Kata kerja) yang didahului to be (have, is)

  • He is bored
  • I have a spoiled cat at home
  • *yang berwarna biru adalah adjective ( Kata sifat) yang diikuti oleh V3/ ed

-contoh Past Participle
  • The family has purchased a television
  • The family has purchased a television
  •   Subject + V3+ Object

  • The poem was written by Paul
  • The poem was written by Paul
  • Subject + V3 + Preposition + Object

  • The television purchased yesterday was expensive
  • The television purchased yesterday was expensive
  • Subject + qdjective(kata sifat) + adverd of time (kata keterangan waktu) + Verb + ?

  • The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine
  • The poem written by Paul appeared in the magazine
  • Object+ verb + Prepostition + Subject+ ? + Preposition

Contoh Soal
1. The Child _______ playing in the yard is my son.
a. now
b. is
c. he
d. was

penjelasan :
The Child + _______ playing  +in the yard + is + my son.
Subject + _________ adjective(kata sifat) + Prepotition(kata depan) + Verb + Object
jadi cari pilihan selain yang diatas yaitu yang bukan subject, adjective(kata kerja), prepotition(kata depan) dan verb
pilihan jawaban b. is dan jawaban d. was salah karena merupakan verb sedangkan kalimat sudah memiliki verb yaitu is my son
pilihan jawaban c. he salah karena merupakan subject sedangkan kalimat sudah memiliki subject yaitu The Child
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah A. now ini merupakan adverb of time

2. The packages ___________ mailed at he post office will arrive Monday.
a. have
b. were
c. them
d. just

penjelasan :
The packages ___________ mailed at the post office will arrive Monday.
Subject + ? + preposition (kata depan)  + verb
pilian jawaban a. have dan b. were salah karena verb sudah terdapat yaitu will arrive
pilihan jawanan c. them salah karena tidak diperlukan lagi subject
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah D. Just yang merupakan adverb of time

3. The North Platte River ____ from wyoming into Nebraska
a. to flowed
b. flows
c. flowing
d. with flowing water

penjelasan :
The North Platte River ____ from wyoming into Nebraska
Subject + Verb  + Preposition (kata depan)
pilian jawaban a. to flowed salah karena ?
pilihan jawaban c. flowing salah karena setelah v-ing dalam present participle harus di ikuti to be
pilihan jawaban d. with flowing water salah karena yang diperlukan untuk melengkapi kalimat adalah mencari Verb
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah B. flows yang merupakan Verb

4. _____ Biloxci received its name from a Sioux word meaning " First people"
a. The city of
b. Located in
c. It is in
d. The tour included

penjelasan :
_____ Biloxci received its name from a Sioux word meaning " First people"
?+ subject + verb + ? + Preposition
pilihan jawaban b salah karena kalau dikasih Located akan double verb dengan received
pilihan jawaban c salah karena ada It sedangkan subject sudah ada yaitu Biloxci
pilihan jawaban d salah karena ?
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah A. The City Of yang merupakan ?

Hey you can call me Niswin. I born and live at Banjarmasin City, Kalimantan Selatan Province. I work at Province government. I am blogger and reviewer book. I also love cat. You can follow my instagram @niswindows_com and also my lifestyle blog

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